Pelosi Blasts GOPers for Chanting During SOTU, Calls it a ‘Serious Breach’ and ‘Totally Inappropriate’

by Debra Heine


Two days after she petulantly tore up copies of President Trump’s State of the Union speech on camera, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has seen fit to chastise Republican lawmakers for their “inappropriate” behavior at the SOTU, calling it a “serious breach.”

During her Thursday news conference on Capitol Hill, the Speaker blasted Trump’s entire speech and denigrated the fifteen outstanding individuals who were recognized by the president as participants in a “reality show.”

“We do not want the Chamber of the House of Representatives to be used as a backdrop for one of his reality shows with unreality in his presentation,” she sneered, before scolding Republicans.

“By the way, a serious breach to start shouting ‘four more years’ on the floor of the House,” Pelosi intoned in a stunning display of hypocrisy. “Totally inappropriate.”

In defense of her contemptible actions Tuesday night, she said: “He shredded the truth with his speech, he’s shredding the constitution with his conduct and I shredded his state of mind address.”

Pelosi spent most of the presser bitterly lambasting the president for “lying” about the booming economy, which she claimed was entirely the result of former president Barack Obama’s economic policies.

“It was appalling to hear him try to take credit for something that—and call what President Obama did a mess that he inherited when, in fact, it was a great advantage to the country that President Obama’s policies took us to that very positive place of growth and of job creation and deficit reduction,” the Speaker said with a straight face. “He still hasn’t matched President Obama’s growth in the stock market,” she added.

As if to demonstrate how desperate Democrats have become, she went on to misrepresent Trump’s Charlottesville “good people on both sides” remarks in an effort to smear the president. As everyone who has bothered to watch the tape knows, the president “totally” condemned the white supremacists at the rally, but pointed out that there were bystanders present on each side who had legitimate opinions about Confederate statues.

Democrats seem to think that dredging up this racially divisive narrative helps them politically, although it doesn’t seem to have helped presidential hopeful Joe Biden, who launched his floundering campaign on the Charlottesville lie.

You can watch the entire presser below:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) announced Wednesday night that he will file charges in the House Ethics Committee against Pelosi because of her disgraceful behavior Tuesday night.

“The law does not allow the speaker of the House to destroy the records of the House, and the rules of the House do not permit some little temper tantrum just because you don’t like what the president of the United States says,” Gaetz told Fox news host Laura Ingraham.

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Debra Heine is a contributor to American Greatness.
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by Fox News.






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2 Thoughts to “Pelosi Blasts GOPers for Chanting During SOTU, Calls it a ‘Serious Breach’ and ‘Totally Inappropriate’”

  1. Fireguy

    Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. You really don’t look well dear-and haven’t for at least 70 years. It’s time to go back to your multi- million dollar, gated, walled, armed guarded compound and reflect on all of the dunces in your district that you have fleeced in the name of what ever you think you have accomplish. And Mr. P, a word for you. I truly am sorry that you have to wake up in the morning and see the little Mrs. before the pounds of makeup are applied on her. It’s time dear !

  2. Steve Allen

    LOOK WHO’S TALKING! This woman no longer should be in congress. history will this to be one of the lowest points in the history of the Democratic. if they continue this anti American, sour grapes attitude after President Trump is reelected the should be rounded up and put into FEMA internment camps.
